Friday, June 18, 2010


I am getting married in 4 months.

This is my second marriage. The first time, I didn't have a wedding as I was in somewhat of a scandalous predicament and my parents didn't approve of having a big flashy wedding whilst I was trying to cover my baby bump.

So this time around I wanted a "real" wedding.

Yes, I am a maschocist.

When I started planning this affair, about 18 months ago, I had every intention of being a savvy DIY bride. I was gonna do EVERYTHING myself, and be able to save myself oodles of money. I was gonna do the invitations, the programs, the centerpieces, hell I would have made my own dress if I thought I could figure out how to sew a straight line.

As time went on, the combination of me being insanely busy with real life, being a unforgivable procrastinator, and needing to catch up on season 5 of Lost so I could watch 6, caught up with me. Slowly but surely, things are being delegated off to the professionals. And of course, I have wild and great excuses for doing this. "Well, if I have to buy all the paper and envelopes myself AND pay for printing, I will only spend $100 less for invites. And isn't my time worth a lousy $100?" Of course it is. So off those were sent. Same thing goes for the programs. "Well, they have to match the invitations....." So off those were sent too. Now, I am still doing the center pieces (at least for now) and I guess we will see how THAT goes.

The last piece of the DIY puzzle is my flower girl's dress. My flower girl is my 2 year old daughter. I bought her a stunning white dress with pickups that is floor length. I decided somewhere along the line that since all the other dresses in my bridal party are red, that her dress needed some red in it too. So I am hand sewing over 100 red crystals to her dress.

Brilliant, right?

By the way, the last wedding that this child was in last summer, she had another beautiful white dress covered in tulle. A mere 2 minutes before we started pictures, she ran head first into the pond that they were taking pictures by; a pond filled with green algae and brown muddy water. I spent the next hour scrubbing her dress out with baby wipes.

But of course, in my mind, that was someone else's wedding and she wouldn't DARE do something like that for MY wedding.

So I will get to use my DIY knowledge after all, when I am busy scrubbing grass stains out of her dress in 4 months.

Mission accomplished.

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